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ICI 69653

An antiviral antibiotic produced by Cephalosporium aphidicola and other fungi. It inhibits the growth of eukaryotic cells and certain animal viruses by selectively inhibiting the cellular replication of DNA polymerase II or the viral-induced DNA polymerases. The drug may be useful for controlling excessive cell proliferation in patients with cancer, psoriasis or other dermatitis with little or no adverse effect upon non-multiplying cells.

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This service should be used for second opinions, additional medical reviews and consultations; not for primary diagnosis or treatment. Please always consult your primary doctor for final diagnosis and treatment.

USARAD Holdings, Inc., a Nanox company

* US Patent Pending 61/551,473 "Method and apparatus for providing radiological second opinion”; reports available in any language.

* Patent Pending 13/773 941 "Automated web-based second opinion brokerage system"

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