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A genus of poisonous snakes of the subfamily Elapinae of the family ELAPIDAE. There are six recognized species, all inhabiting Africa except the Asiatic (Indian) cobra, Naja naja. Some species "spit" their venom into the eyes of their "enemies". So-called spitting cobras show a high degree of accuracy in aiming for the eyes. The ringhals, the most highly specialized of the spitting cobras, is limited to southern Africa. Its spray destroys eye tissue and can cause blindness; its bite can cause death. (Moore: Poisonous Snakes of the World, 1980, p80)

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USARAD Holdings, Inc., a Nanox company

* US Patent Pending 61/551,473 "Method and apparatus for providing radiological second opinion”; reports available in any language.

* Patent Pending 13/773 941 "Automated web-based second opinion brokerage system"

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